

"You meet me, or meet me not 
I'm there
No sorrow or happy
You miss me, or miss me not 
The memory is there
Not coming, not going
You love me, or love me not 
Love is there
Can't be added, can't be ended
You be with me, or you leave me
I lace my fingers in yours
Never be aparted
Rest in my arms
Or let me go into your mind
In silence, and in love
So quiet, and so fascinating"
                                                                                                                by Tsangyang Gyatso 

Ten Admonishments 

       No1: Had better not to meet, and thus you would not fall in love;
No2: Had better not be in acquaintance, and thus you would not be drowned in lovesickness;
No3: Had better not be in company, and thus you would not mutually owe;
No4: Had better not cherish, and thus you would not recall;
No5: Had better not fall in love, and thus you would not mutually abandon;
No6: Had better not see face to face, and thus you would not meet;
No7: Had better not hurt, we would not fail to be loyal;
No8: Had better not promise, and thus your love would not continue;
No9: Had better not depend, and thus you would not snuggle;
No10: Had better not encounter, and thus you would not be in reunion.
Albeit, ever to meet is to know! If ever is as such, better not to meet.
Alas! How could I part withyou eternally, thus not in the gyre of endless lovesickness?

